'Casablanca' compared to 'Do The Right Thing'

Image result for casablanca posterImage result for do the right thing poster
The films 'Casabalnca' and 'Do the Right Thing' are both films that have stood the tests of time and share themes that are resonant even now a days in our society.

Casablanca is about people trying to escape a war torn land and do almost anything to be free and Do the right thing about racial and social prejudiced and hostility and violence that this can create. You would think the years after that these themes would at least be a little alien to a modern audicne but now the seem horribly relevant . 
There story lines are not very similar but have diversity in both showing a mix from all backgrounds in the cast however both the films are very male lead and the men are the main protectionists  in them. The roles for the woman are only supporting and while Casablanca has one quite strong female lead Do the right thing has a few more minor women leads but both instants of these are more for the mens own pleasure and are only really objects for the men. 

the production in both the films is also quite different as Casablanca was made with the old Hollywood way of making films as they would hire the directors, actors and other technical staff per film and would churn out hundreds of films however Do the right thing is a much more independent film and lots of the work was done by Spike Lee as he wrote,directed and stared in it and probably had a lot of say in all the behind the scenes and who was cast.

Casablanca is also very traditional in the way it is short as there is invisible editing and all the shots that are used are very traditional like close ups or establishing shots. Not many moving camera shots are present in the film and the camera normally stays fixed in a position. Do the right thing is more unconventional as characters break the fourth wall as well as lots of camera shots and pans. 

as Casablanca was made in the 1930's colour film was very expensive so all the film is in black and white but thus gives a good opportunity to uses shadows interestingly and light the sets in cool ways like having plants shadows looking like they will grab people or a search light consonantly looking for people. Spike Lee however uses colour interestingly as well as it makes New York look very vibrant and shows the warmth of the summer heat well.
