Sightseers is a 2012 british comedy crime romance. It was written by Alice Lowe who plays Tina and Steve Oram who plays Chris. The film is also directed by Ben Wheatley. The two protagonists in the film
She is in her mid 30's and still lives at home with her mother. She seems to be stuck there and her mum does not easily let her out and makes her feel guilty about the things she does. The audience can see why she wants to go on holiday with Chris as this lets her have a bit more free time and not be so tied down to her mother. Her character seems quite child like at some points and as well as being naive about the world. This could be because her mother has mainly kept her inside and not let her out. At first when she is with Chris they seem to get along very well and seem like a couple that is genuinely in love. She feels happy around Chris but like a lot of couples they have arguments. She seems quite vulnerable as well as when Chris does one of the killings she just falls to the ground but never stopping what he does. As she is a vulnerable character who has suffered some abuse from her mother the audience can maybe see why she gets jealous of Chris and takes to killing the bride as she has seen him doing this and not be fazed and does this to impress him and show she is like this. Her execution is not as strategic as Chris and all her killings are because she feels jealous and wants to prove she is incommand. She kills the Bride to get back at him, Kills the cyclist in an angered state of driving and kills Chris new friend as she is jealous about their relationship and does all of these to prove a point. At the start of the film she also has less status than Chris and is put down by him for being a woman but through the film she develops more of a backbone and status. Her actions are what drive the last act of the film and she is more in control.She also is responsible for Chris death. By the end of the film her character has a lot more power and can make more decision that she could not at the beginning. Her character development is very good and while she will not have a happy ending we see she has come out of her shell more.
He is the boyfriend to Tina. He is also in his mid 30's and at first his character seems quite sweet and charming if a little awkward. We also get a sense that he loves Tina as they get along very well and we see the romance between them. From the start he is meant to seem a bit off as Tina's mum does not really like him and we see there is something different about him. We get a quite competitive attitude about him as he overtakes a caravan to get a good camping spot and this shows he always wants his way. His first killing is an accident but we see he has a bit attitude with the victim as he tells them off for littering and the audicne feel like they should side with him as he is trying to be a good citizen. We maybe see his killing is slightly purposeful but most people watching it for the first time would see it as more of an accident. His next murder is also inspired by someone doing something that annoys him as he kills a man who has a better caravan than him and who also seems to be in a higher class. This deaths seems very cold blooded and we see he is a very dangerous person but his crimes are fulled by quite immature action that are people annoying him and doing things they don't realise are wrong. His next killing is because they have not picked up dog poo and again this murder seems immature and as though his murders are for small things that have annoyed him. Through out though the audience feel like they might side with him as his character is given lots of funny lines and his murders seem like he is doing them for the greater good, similar to the murders in the film Hot Fuzz, and that he feels he is being a good citizen doing it. His murders are also very strategic making them look like accidents,suicides or that someone entirely different has done them . On the outside Chris is meant to seem kind but inside he is psychopathic and we get the idea he has killed people before the holiday.

She is in her mid 30's and still lives at home with her mother. She seems to be stuck there and her mum does not easily let her out and makes her feel guilty about the things she does. The audience can see why she wants to go on holiday with Chris as this lets her have a bit more free time and not be so tied down to her mother. Her character seems quite child like at some points and as well as being naive about the world. This could be because her mother has mainly kept her inside and not let her out. At first when she is with Chris they seem to get along very well and seem like a couple that is genuinely in love. She feels happy around Chris but like a lot of couples they have arguments. She seems quite vulnerable as well as when Chris does one of the killings she just falls to the ground but never stopping what he does. As she is a vulnerable character who has suffered some abuse from her mother the audience can maybe see why she gets jealous of Chris and takes to killing the bride as she has seen him doing this and not be fazed and does this to impress him and show she is like this. Her execution is not as strategic as Chris and all her killings are because she feels jealous and wants to prove she is incommand. She kills the Bride to get back at him, Kills the cyclist in an angered state of driving and kills Chris new friend as she is jealous about their relationship and does all of these to prove a point. At the start of the film she also has less status than Chris and is put down by him for being a woman but through the film she develops more of a backbone and status. Her actions are what drive the last act of the film and she is more in control.She also is responsible for Chris death. By the end of the film her character has a lot more power and can make more decision that she could not at the beginning. Her character development is very good and while she will not have a happy ending we see she has come out of her shell more.
He is the boyfriend to Tina. He is also in his mid 30's and at first his character seems quite sweet and charming if a little awkward. We also get a sense that he loves Tina as they get along very well and we see the romance between them. From the start he is meant to seem a bit off as Tina's mum does not really like him and we see there is something different about him. We get a quite competitive attitude about him as he overtakes a caravan to get a good camping spot and this shows he always wants his way. His first killing is an accident but we see he has a bit attitude with the victim as he tells them off for littering and the audicne feel like they should side with him as he is trying to be a good citizen. We maybe see his killing is slightly purposeful but most people watching it for the first time would see it as more of an accident. His next murder is also inspired by someone doing something that annoys him as he kills a man who has a better caravan than him and who also seems to be in a higher class. This deaths seems very cold blooded and we see he is a very dangerous person but his crimes are fulled by quite immature action that are people annoying him and doing things they don't realise are wrong. His next killing is because they have not picked up dog poo and again this murder seems immature and as though his murders are for small things that have annoyed him. Through out though the audience feel like they might side with him as his character is given lots of funny lines and his murders seem like he is doing them for the greater good, similar to the murders in the film Hot Fuzz, and that he feels he is being a good citizen doing it. His murders are also very strategic making them look like accidents,suicides or that someone entirely different has done them . On the outside Chris is meant to seem kind but inside he is psychopathic and we get the idea he has killed people before the holiday.
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