Joseph Gordon Levitt is an american actor. He was born on February 17th 1981. He has been acting and in the public eye since he was a child and appeared in shows and films called Dark Shadows and also the sit com 3rd rock form the Sun. Later in his teens he also appeared in the film 10 things I hate about you based on Shakespeare taming of the shrew. He was able to work his way from smaller shows and films into bigger films in Hollywood. Films he has been in include The Dark Knight Rises, Inception,Snowden and many other Hollywood blockbusters.
500 days of summer is a 2009 Comedy Romance directed by Marc Webb and written by Scott Neustadter and Michael H Webb where Levitt plays Tom Hansen a man who looks back on his failed relationship with Summer played by Zooey Deschanel. The film is non linear and jumps between times and days where the couple were together. The film is very quirky and not your typical rom com with hyper real scenes and sort of taking the mickey out of the whole genre and it is quite a different film for Levitt to do as he is playing the romantic lead but also playing comedy. His chemistry with Zooey is also very good and believable . Some of the action in the film is hyper real with a musical number showing how happy Tom feels with a cartoon bird to add to the cheesiness. Overall this is a very interesting film that is very enjoyable and Levitt is very good in it this was one of the first major films were he played the lead.
Looper is 2012 sci-fi drama written and directed by Rian Jones where Levitt plays Joe an assassin who, by using time travel, is ordered to kill people from the future. The film also starts Bruce Willis as Jose older self who is trying to run away from
being killed by his younger self. The film also stars Emily Blunt Sara a mother whose story slowly gets uncovered during the film. Some times the film gets quite confusing and you have to try and not think about the time travel and plot holes it can bring up. Levitt's performance is very good as the young Bruce Willis as at first you don't even really notice it is him with prosthetic on to make him look like a younger Willis. The film is set in 2044 and it is interesting to see a future that is quite like present day only with a few difference like floating bikes, telekinesis and time machines but none of this is shoved in the audiences faces and tries to focus on he story. Stylistically the film is very nice and overall it is very interesting.
Levitt is an actor who always challenges different roles from serious and real characters in films like Snowden to more quirky ones in 500 days of Summer and also he played a character diagnosed with cancer in the film 50/50 which while it was a comedy, still had serious moments and a serious core to the story.You never know what he will do next and is a bit of an underrated actor in Hollywood.
He has had a successful career and been nominated for a Golden Globes for his performances in 50/50 and 500 days of Summer but while he as not won any major awards in Hollywood, it seems likely he will be nominated for even more and potentially even win some.

being killed by his younger self. The film also stars Emily Blunt Sara a mother whose story slowly gets uncovered during the film. Some times the film gets quite confusing and you have to try and not think about the time travel and plot holes it can bring up. Levitt's performance is very good as the young Bruce Willis as at first you don't even really notice it is him with prosthetic on to make him look like a younger Willis. The film is set in 2044 and it is interesting to see a future that is quite like present day only with a few difference like floating bikes, telekinesis and time machines but none of this is shoved in the audiences faces and tries to focus on he story. Stylistically the film is very nice and overall it is very interesting.
Levitt is an actor who always challenges different roles from serious and real characters in films like Snowden to more quirky ones in 500 days of Summer and also he played a character diagnosed with cancer in the film 50/50 which while it was a comedy, still had serious moments and a serious core to the story.You never know what he will do next and is a bit of an underrated actor in Hollywood.
He has had a successful career and been nominated for a Golden Globes for his performances in 50/50 and 500 days of Summer but while he as not won any major awards in Hollywood, it seems likely he will be nominated for even more and potentially even win some.
Robbie, this is a very smooth and brief skim through the acting life of JGL. I think that this may of benefitted from a couple of clips or screen grabs to highlight and evidence your statements, a link perhaps to his IMDB page to save you listing all of his work but giving the reader an option to discover more and lastly maybe a few comments from other industry professional about working with JGL. This may have shown evidence of a bit more digging.